Monday, November 20, 2006

Should the draft be reinstated?

My local television station has a poll on now asking viewers whether they would approve having the draft reinstated or not.

The question went this way"Do you think reinstating the draft would slow politicians rush to war?"

Because of the silly way it is worded, even I had to say no as did eighty two percent of the other poll takers.

Obviously, the TV station had an agenda, which is to be against the draft. They are perfectly happy as is most of America's wealthiest white folks to continue keeping their children out of the military, letting the middle and lower income people fight these unnecessary massacres that our government starts, and watching their bank accounts grow tremendously as they invest in the stocks that benefit from war.

I think Charles Rangel is one of the few SANE voices left in Congress. Nancy Pelosi has made another mistake disagreeing with him on that one. She is ) for two so far in my book. I'm starting to really dislike her. I guess I'm going to have to wait until Barack announces that he is running for the presidency, to get excited . The Democrats are going to have to do a lot to show me they have intestinal fortitude. So far, they aren't doing a very good job.

Had I been allowed to phrase the question for that poll, it would have read this way:

Would you be in favor of the draft if...those who vote to go to war, both in congress, and out of it, their children, or other war age family members would be drafted first?"

Believe me, I'm sure the response would be different.

Why not try it and find out?

Poll Question:

Would you be in favor of the draft if...those who vote to go to war, both in congress, and out of it, their children, or other war age family members,
would be drafted first?"

A. Yes

B. No

C. Don't care one way, or the other, the rich will keep getting richer, and the poor and middle class will continue to become poorer due to corruption and graft in America.

Now I would definitely vote "yes" if it were phrased that way, which it wasn't of course.

Let's hear what you all think about it.

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