Friday, November 28, 2008

Is any person/behavior considered a FREAK anymore in the traditional sense?


Or is everyone acceptable in your home, regardless of their physical
appearance, or the lifestyles they lead?

I ask this because I watched a Tyra Mortgage Lender show last night where this
attractive female was selling her virginity to the highest bidder.

Most people didn't seem to think there was much of anything wrong with

It seems like most Americans are so happy to see this man having a baby!!
I guess you all haven't studied physiology, human sexual anatomy, or
human Growth and Development.

This is a FREAK!! It is not a MAN!! He is a woman who has had her
breasts removed, hormones given so she can grow facial hair, and I
suspect other things done to make her APPEAR to be a man.
MEN do not have children!! :-) Even Barbara Walter was oohing and
aahing over this FREAK.
Why are you all so comfortable with abnormalities and freaks in your
life? I don't have ANY in my life and I love it that way. :-0

I remember a few months ago when this little girl in India was born
All I heard online was "COOL!' Even that person was not considered a
freak. Would you want your son or daughter to bring home someone with
a major genetic deformity, telling you they were in love and going to
marry this person with several arms and legs?

Having an operation and removing the extra limbs might make her look
normal and enable her to spread her diseased genes by marrying and
having children, but it does not correct her genetic makeup that
caused her to be like that in the first place. Understand? Know the
history of the person with which you are getting involved.

On Oprah Today she had a 12 year old boy who was 7' 3" tall had twelve
extra teeth in his mouth, and to me was very freakish looking, but she
was telling everyone to accept him as being NORMAL?

Then she had on a cute little woman who was 26, but only 3' 3" tall.
About the size of a five year old. She didn't look deformed like
midgets, but they said there are only 99 other people out of the 6.7
billion people on the planet with that condition. Is she normal? Or is
she a freak?\

I remember when the intelligent looking and sounding 41 year old
school teacher was arrested in Thailand a few years ago. They wanted
to question him in the Jon Benet Ramsey case. This guy was nice
looking, articulate, and appeared perfectly normal

On the trip back to the states, the reporters were questioning him
about the case and he suddenly blurted out that he loved Jon Benet
Ramsey!! A dead six year old child. Is that normal too? Should we be
friends with people like that? And invite them into our homes and lives?

Seems to me this is what happens when a Nation tosses out the Bible,
and all the laws that govern human behavior, and what is right and
what is wrong. What do you all think?

Definition of "Normal"
2 a: according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule,
or principle b: conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern
3: occurring naturally
4 a: of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or
development b: free from mental disorder : sane

1. usual, regular, or typical: the study of normal behaviour
2. free from mental or physical disorder
Noun 1. normal - something regarded as a normative example; "the
convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule
not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors"
convention, rule, pattern, formula
practice - knowledge of how something is usually done; "it is not the
local practice to wear shorts to dinner"
mores - (sociology) the conventions that embody the fundamental values
of a group
code of behavior, code of conduct - a set of conventional principles
and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a
member of a particular group
universal - a behavioral convention or pattern characteristic of all
members of a particular culture or of all human beings; "some form of
religion seems to be a human universal"

Definition of "Freak" "Freakish"

1: one that is markedly unusual or abnormal: as a: a person or animal
having a physical oddity and appearing in a circus sideshow bslang
(2): a sexual deviate, homosexual (3): a person who uses an illicit
drug c: hippie d: an atypical postage

An abnormal or odd person or thing
monstrosity, monster, homosexual, transvestite, transsexual, adults
with no pubic or underarm hair, aberration, oddity, abnormality,
rarity, anomaly, malformation, mutation, mutant, lusus naturae
(Latin), grotesquerie, abortion, freak of nature, curiosity, rara avis
(Latin), misfit, queer fish, black swan, sport, hybrid, mooncalf,

This has been the true definition for centuries. Why should we now
begin allowing people who are born with with these abmormalities, or
who have decided to live a freakish lifestyle, flip the script on us,
and begin calling themselves "NORMAL" and those of us who know better
get called "homophobes" "freaks" and other incorrect names?

Why is Caucasian liberal society doing this? Why are the moral and
ethical conservatives sitting back, doing nothing, and saying little
allowing the perverts, freaks, and deviates to rule the day?

Wake up people or we are all finished. Forget about this "Don't judge
others crap!"

We all make dozens of judgments throughout every day. If you don't you
won't live very long that's for sure. If you trust every stranger that
approaches you, or your home and goes along with their program you are

The bible actually says: "judge not...lest ye be judged"

That means it is OK to judge, but be aware that others will be judging
you at the same time to see how you live. I'm very comfortable with
that position because it is the only one that makes sense. Besides why
do we have such a humongous court system? All day long across the USA
it judges peoples behavior and sends them to prison, or causes them to
assume room temperature. Right?

Just one of those things that make you go hummmmmmmm

How do you all feel about this issue?

1 comment:

hu li said...
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